Business Permits and Licenses in the Philippines

Every business needs proper governmental permits and licenses to run their business in the Philippines. Each type of business may have different regulatory requirements, but all need a Business Permit / Mayor's Permit to operate.
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Start Your Business Right With a Business Permit

All business owners and managers want their enterprises to flourish. The business permit, a.k.a. the mayor’s permit, provides proof that a company is legitimate and is not fraudulent. It is also one of the initial requirements for every enterprise to get authorization to operate in the Philippines. Below is a guide on getting a business/mayor’s permit in the country.

Basics on How to Get a Business Permit in the Philippines

1. Prepare initially required documents. 

  • Completed application form
  • Contract of Lease/ Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) or Tax Declaration 
  • Business Location Sketch
  • SEC/DTI/CDA Certificate of Business Registration

2. Secure a Barangay Clearance

  • Gather your initially required documents, plus additional requirements: a Community Tax Certificate (CTC), a government-issued ID, and a Homeowner’s Association Certificate if you plan to operate in a subdivision or village. 
  • Head to your business location’s local barangay hall and ask for the business permit application form.
  • Complete the application form and submit it together with the requirements.
  • Pay the fees 
  • Wait for the barangay clearance within the day or come back the following day.

3. Prepare to submit requirements for securing the business permit

  • Barangay Clearance
  • Business name registration certificate from SEC, DTI or CDA
  • Community Tax Certificate (CTC)
  • Contract of Lease/Land Title or Tax Declaration 
  • Fire Permit
  • Locational Clearance
  • Occupancy Permit
  • Public Liability Insurance 
  • Sanitary Permit
  • Sketch of Business Location

4. Additional requirements depending on your industry type:

  • Bureau of Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for pharmacies or bakeries 
  • Central Bank Authority authorization for banking institutions
  • Custom broker issued by the Customs Broker’s Commission for custom brokerage business
  • Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) authorization for recruitment agencies
  • Department of Trade accreditation for an auto repair shop, electronics, and other electrical equipment
  • Department of Transportation & Communication (DOTC), for courier services
  • Future commodity merchant/broker’s license issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for those engaged in the sale of commodities for future transactions as merchant/broker
  • National Gains Authority (NGA) license for rice, corn, and wheat
  • Real estate broker’s license from the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) for real estate brokers
  • Resident Certificate A and B for single proprietorship, or C and C1 for a corporation

Procedure on How to get a Business Permit in the Philippines

1. Zoning Clearance

  • Secure a zoning clearance by heading to the Office of the Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator. Be sure to check the list of documentary requirements and submit them for evaluation and verification. Next, get an assessment of the cost of the project. A site inspection from the zoning office will ensue. After checking if your area meets current standards and rules, pay the fees required and wait for your Zoning clearance. 

2. City Engineering Office

  • Head towards the Engineering Department and submit your building permit, a sketch of your business location, and the size of your building area in square meters so you can get a building fee evaluation. 


  • Proceed to the Business Permits and Licensing Office (BPLO) at your local City Hall or Municipal Hall where your business is located and get an application form.

4. Sanitary Office 

  •  Get a Health and Sanitary Permit from the Health and Sanitary Office. Requirements usually include conducting x-ray and drug tests for all company employees or attending a seminar.

5. Bureau of Fire Protection 

  • Obtain a Fire Permit at the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP). Ensure that you have installed fire extinguishers according to requirements for the size of your business area. Have your business permit ready and prepare for the inspection conducted by the BFP in your area or send photos of the business area if required. To get the Fire permit, you must have a zoning clearance. 


  •   Go back to the BPLO to process payment for all the fees. You will pay for the following:
    • Your Business
    • Business Plate
    • Local Fire Inspection 
    • Mayor’s Permit
    • Sanitary
    • Service 

7. Claim your Business Permit/Mayor’s Permit

  • Your Mayor’s permit should be ready within three days.

Assistance in Securing a Business Permit in the Philippine

Obtain a Business Permit for your business easier than it would generally take you to go through the learning curve and get the process done right. The business permit must also be renewed every year. Get assistance from professionals. Contact Business Registration Philippines to learn more about business permit processing in the Philippines. 

Business Registration Philippines is a website dedicated to helping investors, business owners, and other stakeholders establish and incorporate their enterprises. Topics range from Accounting, Finance, Human Resources, Business Process Outsourcing, Product Registration, Taxation, and more. It is a microsite of Triple i Consulting Inc. 

Triple i Consulting is the first ISO 9001:2008 firm to offer company and business registration services in the Philippines. Armed with a team of experts endowed with up to 10 years’ worth of knowledge and skills in the Philippine business incorporation, accounting, taxation, FDA licensing and product registration, and more, Triple i provides skilled assistance for companies in the Philippines who need help in securing their Mayor’s permit and more. Contact us today through any of the following channels:

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