A branch office is an enterprise’s extension of its head office that operates in a different country. In this case, the country is the Philippines. A Philippine branch office is formed to execute the business activities of its principal company. It may earn income from its business relations in and out of the Philippines.
A branch office does not have a separate legal entity from its parent company. As such, the parent company shall finance any liabilities of the branch office and should be accountable for the branch office’s activities. However, the branch office is still under the jurisdiction of Philippine laws.
The minimum capital requirement of a branch office for a Domestic Market Enterprise (DME) that sells products and services to the Philippine market is the Philippine Peso equivalent of US$200,000.
However, if the company is engaged in advanced technology or has at least fifteen (15) local employees, the minimum capital is the Philippine Peso equivalent of US$100,000.
Meanwhile, firms that export more than sixty percent (60%) of their overall revenue are exempted from the Philippine Peso equivalent of US$200,000 minimum capital.
Purchases made from VAT-registered suppliers may qualify for exemption from the branch office’s tax duties.
Profits remitted to the parent company shall also be subject to a dividend tax of fifteen percent (15%). Some nations under tax treaties with the Philippines can enjoy lower tax responsibilities of ten percent (10%). These include Austria, Germany, Japan, and the Netherlands. Lastly, the wages paid to local employees will also be subject to withholding tax.
Branch offices in any Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) are exempted from paying taxes on branch profit remittances.
Resident Agent
Registered Office Address
Expand your company’s reach across borders by setting up an office in the Philippines. The best way to start is to get professional help from a reliable company specializing in localized solutions.
Business Registration Philippinesis a website dedicated to helping investors, business owners, and other stakeholders establish and incorporate their enterprises. Topics range from Accounting, Finance, Human Resources, Business Process Outsourcing, Product Registration, Taxation, and more. It is a microsite of Triple i Consulting Inc.
Triple i Consulting is the first ISO 9001:2008 company in the Philippines to provide company registration services to its clients. With over ten years of handling government documents, obtaining business certificates, and delivering high-quality local enterprise consulting services, the solutions provider partners with Business Regisration Philippinesto offer the following benefits associated with setting up a branch office in the Philippines:
Get started on your Philippine branch office and book an initial consultation with one of our business registration experts through any method below: